Biomass stock and change maps with better spatial resolution than the global reference map (50 – 150 m) and with a multi temporal approach comprising three epochs: 2000 or 2005, 2010 (reference year), and 2015.
The regional maps will aim for an overall accuracy of at least 80% in five different regional mapping sites:
- Mexico: tropical-woodland
- Poland: temperate zone
- Sweden: boreal zone
- Indonesia/Kalimantan: tropical zone
- South Africa: savanna mosaic
The AGB mapping products for reference year 2010 have been developed end of 2015 and presented at the 1st GlobBiomass User Workshop at IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria from 02-04 February 2016.
The AGB mapping products for reference year 2005 have been finished in October 2016. This maps will be presented at the 2nd GlobBiomass User Workshop at Espoo, Finnland, in planning for 31.01. – 01.02.2017.
All products can be downloaded using the links to each regional web-site.
A description of the algorithms and methods can be found in the ATBD.