Outreach & Promotional Activities

Publications 2018
Stereńczak K., Lisańczuk M., Erfanifard Y. (2018): Delineation of homogeneous forest patches using combination of field measurements and LiDAR point clouds as a reliable reference for evaluation of low resolution global satellite data. In: For. Ecosyst. (2018) 5: 1. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40663-017-0128-5
Publications 2017
Uni Sheffield, CESBIO, MPI Carreiras João M.B., Quegan Shaun, Le Toan Thuy, Ho Tong Minh Dinh, Saatchi Sassan S., Carvalhais Nuno, Reichstein Markus, Scipal Klaus (2017): Coverage of high biomass forests by the ESA BIOMASS mission under defense restrictions. In: Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume 196, July 2017, Pages 154–162 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0034425717301943
UoL Rodriguez-Veiga, P., Wheeler, J., Louis, V., Tansey, K. and Balzter, H. (2017): Quantifying forest biomass carbon stocks from space. Current Forestry Reports, doi:10.1007/s40725-017-0052-5, http://rdcu.be/o8jA
IIASA Schepaschenko  D., Shidenko A., Usoltsev V., Lakyda P., Luo Y., Vasylyshyn R., Lakyda I., See, L., McCallum I., Fritz S., Kraxner, F., Obersteiner, M. (2017): A dataset of forest biomass structure for Eurasia. In: Nature, Scientific Data, May 2017,  doi: 10.1038/sdata.2017.70 (2017), https://www.nature.com/articles/sdata201770
Publications 2016
WUR Herold M., Heuvelink G., Lewis S.L., Phillips O.L., Asner G. P. et al., 2016. An integrated pan-tropical biomass map using multiple reference datasets. Global Change Biology, 2016, doi:10.1111/gcb.13139
SLU Fransson, J.E.S., Santoro, M., Wallerman, J., Persson, H.J., Monteith, A.R., Eriksson, L.E.B., Nilsson, M., Olsson, H., Soja, M.J., and Ulander, L.M.H. Estimation of forest stem volume using ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 satellite images. In Proceedings of IGARSS 2016, Advancing the Understanding of Our Living Planet, Beijing, China, 10-15 July, 2016 – submitted paper
UoL Rodriguez-Veiga, P., Saatchi, S., Tansey, K. and Balzter, H. (2016): Magnitude, spatial distribution and uncertainty of forest biomass stocks in Mexico. Remote Sensing of Environment 183, 265–281. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2016.06.004. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0034425716302425
Da Conceição Bispo, P., dos Santos, J.R., de Morisson Valeriano, M., Lima de Alencastro Graça, P.M., Balzter, H., França, H. and da Conceição Bispo, P. (2016): Predictive models of primary tropical forest structure from geomorphometric variables based on SRTM in the Tapajós region, Brazilian Amazon, PLoS ONE 11(4), e0152009. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0152009. http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0152009
Balzter, H., Baade, J. and Rogers, K. (2016): Validation of the Tandem-X Intermediate Digital Elevation Model with Airborne LiDAR and Differential GNSS in Kruger National Park. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 13, 277-281. doi  10.1109/LGRS.2015.2509500. http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=7374655
Stelmaszczuk-Górska, M.A., Rodriguez-Veiga, P., Ackermann, N., Thiel, C., Balzter, H. and Schmullius, C. (2016): Non-parametric retrieval of aboveground biomass in Siberian boreal forests with ALOS PALSAR interferometric coherence and backscatter intensity. Journal of Imaging 2, 1-24. doi:10.3390/jimaging2010001. http://www.mdpi.com/2313-433X/2/1/1
Lynch, J., Maslin, M., Balzter, H. and Sweeting, M. (2013): Sustainability: Choose satellites to monitor deforestation, Nature 496, 293-294. http://hdl.handle.net/2381/28888
IGIK Popular science publication  ‘Las z satelity Sentinel ‘  at ‘Głos Lasu’, v.7-8 (549), pp. 35-37 (in Polish)
VTT Rauste, Y., Antropov, O., Mutanen, T., and Häme, T. 2016.  On clear-cut mapping with time-series of Sentinel-1 data in Boreal forest – Extended abstract.  Proceedings of ‘Living Planet Symposium 2016’, Prague, Czech Republic, 9–13 May 2016, Publisher European Space Agency, (ESA SP-740, August 2016), 9 p.

Uni Jena

Publications 2015
Urbazaev, M., Thiel, C., Mathieu, R., Naidoo, L., Levick, S.R., Smit, I.P.J., Asner, G.P. & C. Schmullius (2015) (accepted):  Assessment of the mapping of fractional woody cover in southern African savannahs using multi temporal and polarimetric ALOS PALSAR L-band images. Remote Sensing of Environment
Press release: “Essenzielle Klimavariable wird Jenaer Forschungsschwerpunkt”, published: https://idw-online.de/ de/news632546, Informationsdienst Wissenschaft, 09.06.2015
Thiel, C. & Schmullius, C. (2015): The potential of ALOS PALSAR backscatter and InSAR coherence for forest growing stock volume estimation in Central Siberia images.-In: Remote Sensing of Environment (submitted)
GAMMA Santoro, M., Beaudoin, A., Beer, C., Cartus, O., Fransson, J., Hall, R., Pathe, C., Schepaschenko, D., Schmullius, C., Shvidenko, A., Thurner, M., Wegmüller, U. (2015). Forest growing stock volume of the northern hemisphere: an estimate for 2010 derived from Envisat ASAR data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 168, 316-334.
Contributions to Meetings & Symposia 2017 (selection)
 Uni Jena Oral Presentation: “GlobBiomass – Estimates of Biomass on Global and Regional Scales, ISRSE -37, Tshwane, South Africa, 8-12 May 2017
Oral Presentation: “Forest Aboveground Biomass Mapping in Mexico using SAR, optical and airborne LiDAR data”, 23rd Science Team Meeting of the Kyoto and Carbon Initiative
Oral Presentation: “The potential of Sentinel-1 time-series for landuse- and change mapping – example forest monitoring and REDD” – “Copernicus@work” – Nationales Forum für Fernerkundung und Copernicus 2017, 14.-16.03.2017 in Berlin/Germany
Oral Presentation: “Forest Monitoring with Sentinel-1 SAR data” – Big Data Workshop Leipzig/Germany, March 2017
Uni Leicester GlobBiomass presentation to the Chairman of the Chief Executive of NERC (Duncan Wingham) – 9th Feb 2017
GlobBiomass presentation to the Chairman of the NERC council (Sir Anthony Cleaver) – 20th Feb 2017
GlobBiomass presentation at Kyoto University, Japan (35th FEFCO – Forest Ecosystem Function Colloquium) – 27th Feb 2017
GlobBiomass presentation at the GFOI meeting in HCMC (Vietnam)
CESBIO Oral presentation: “Global biomass estimation to address carbon cycle”, ISRSE -37, Tshwane, South Africa, 8-12 May 2017
Oral presentation: “Carbon assessment using earth observation and carbon models in Africa”, ISRSE -37, Tshwane, South Africa, 8-12 May 2017
IGIK Oral presentation at the Polish Ministry of Environment 12.04.2017, Warsaw
Oral presentation at the EO4Baltic workshop, 29-31.03.2017, Helsinki
WUR Oral presentation on Earth Observation and sustainable development goals at the ESA WorldCover conference (14-16 March, Frascati, Italy)
Abstract submission on the GlobBiomass validation approach for the Inaugural Global Forest Biodiversity Initiative Conference & GFBI-FECS Joint Symposium 2017
Oral presentation on TLS and biomass and the use for biomass map validation at “The Terrestrial Laser Scanning Revolution in Ecology”: a Royal Society Theo Murphy Scientific Meeting (27-28 Feb, Kavli Royal Society Centre, Chicheley Hall, UK)
Participation in the 1st Expert Group Meeting of IAEG-SDGs to assess future user needs for biomass data for the Sustainable Development Goals Indicators
GAMMA Oral presentation: “Integration of multiple remote sensing observations towards assessing forest carbon stocks of 2010”, ISRSE -37, Tshwane, South Africa, 8-12 May 2017
Oral presentation: “Mapping growing stock volume globally using ALOS PALSAR L-band SAR mosaics, optical canopy density maps and ICESAT GLAS”, ISRSE -37, Tshwane, South Africa, 8-12 May 2017
Oral presentation of the GlobBiomass retrieval results at the 23rd science team meeting of the Kyoto and Carbon Initiative
Oral presentation of the GlobBiomass retrieval results at WorldCover 2017
 Uni Jena Contributions to Meetings & Symposia 2016 (selection)
Presentation at the GOFC-GOLD LC/GFOI R&D Conference (31.10.-4.11.16) in Den Haag
Participation and GlobBiomass Promotion at ForestSAT 2016 in Chile
GlobBiomass Promotion at the SAR-EDU summer-school in Lusaka / Zambia
Keynote Speaker at EARSeL SIG on Forest in Poland (Krakow): 15.09.16-16.09.16 / Topic of talk: “On the potential of ALOS PALSAR backscatter and InSAR coherence for forest growing stock volume estimation in Central Siberia”
GlobBiomass Promotion at the ARS Africae Project Meeting in Krueger National Park, South Africa
Presentation of five posters relating to Biomass derivation at the ESA Living Planet Symposium 2016 in Prague (10-12 May 2016)
ESA SAR PECS Summer School, 29.-31.05.16 in Sofia – Lectures about Biomass Derivation from SAR
GlobBiomass promotion at the K&C Meeting at JAXA, 16.-18.02.2016, Tokyo: Christian Thiel (FSU-Jena/Germany) – F24: PALSAR-1/2 Data for Vegetation Cover and Biomass Mapping in Various Climates
Uni Leicester


Presenting GlobBiomass research from Uni Leicester and CESBIO for forest stakeholders in Kenya (KFS, KWS, KEFRI)
Presenting GlobBiomass research at RSPSoc conference in Nottingham, 6-8 September
Presenting GlobBiomass research at GFOI meeting in Reading, 7-9 September
Oral Presentations at ESA Living Planet Symposium 2016: “GLOBBIOMASS Regional Case Studies – Preparing the Ground for Global Forest Biomass Mapping”
Poster presentation on GlobBiomass task 5 – Mexico case study –  at ESA Living Planet Symposium 2016 (10-12 May 2016)
 Abstract on GlobBiomass task 5 submitted to ForestSAT 2016 in Chile
 Abstract on Iberian Peninsula AGB mapping submitted to RSPSoc 2016 in Nottingham
 Abstract on GlobBiomass task 5 submitted to NCEO Science Conference 2016 in Warwick
Tour visiting different organizations (governmental, academic, and NGOs) in Mexico City, San Cristobal (Chiapas) and Merida (Yucatan). These organizations are willing to collaborate (contributing with ground expertise and data), to use/validate GlobBiomass products and to disseminate them (e.g. Observatorio de la Selva Maya – OSM: http://www.observatorioselvamaya.org.mx/)

Organizations visited: CONABIO, UNAM, ECOSUR, Ambio, The Nature Conservancy (Alliance Mexico-REDD+), Pro-Natura, and CICY

Presentation of initial GlobBiomass results at NCEO Research Forum 11-12 Feb 2016 in Leicester
Uni Sheffield Two Oral Presentations at ESA Living Planet Symposium 2016: 1. “Facing the Scientific Challenges of the BIOMASS Mission” / 2. “Remote Sensing of Tropical Forest Regeneration: Is Better Discrimination Achieved with Optical, Radar or Both?”
Oral Presentation about “Measuring global forest biomass: current status and new developments” at the GCOS Conference in March in Amsterdam; promotion of GlobBiomass as one of the new developments
Poster on the GlobBiomass Validation task presented to the GCOS Global Climate Observation Conference, 2-4 March 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
CESBIO Four Oral Presentations at ESA Living Planet Symposium 2016: 1. “Tropical Forest Monitoring System for Carbon Assessment using Biomass and other Satellite Data” / 2.  “Focus on temporal effects impacting forest biomass retrieval: Study cases supporting P-band Biomass mission” /  3. “A Biomass Map of African Savannas and Woodlands at a Resolution of 50 meters using ALOS PALSAR Mosaics” / 4. “Biomass Estimation and Changes in South Africa using Sentinel-1, ALOS and ALOS-2 between 2010 and 2015”
GlobBiomass promotion at the K&C Meeting at JAXA, 16.-18.02.2016, Tokyo: Thuy Le Toan (CESBIO/France) – F10: Forest Cover Change and Biomass – Mapping using ALOS PALSAR and ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 data
MPI Participation in the submission of publications for the ESA World Cover 2017 conference and the 36th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of the Environment
Participation at the Biomass workshop, organized by JPL (Sassan Saatchi), Washington DC, US
IGIK Poster and short oral presentation on the regional case study at the EARSeL SIG Forestry, 15-16 September 2016, Kraków, Poland
Oral presentation at the national conference: Geomatyka w Lasach Państwowych, 13-14 September 2016, Rogowo, Poland (in Polish)
Oral presentation on the regional case study at the national XXII Photogrametry  and Remote Sensing Conference, 22-23 September 2016, Warsaw (in Polish)
Oral Presentation at ESA Living Planet Symposium 2016: “SPOT Take5 Opportunities for Different Areas Covered by Vegetation in Poland”
Abstract on forest biomass retrieval over Poland submitted to EARSeL SIG Forestry 2016 in Kraków, Poland
Abstract on GlobBiomass task 5 Poland case submitted  to ForestSAT 2016 in Chile (abstract accepted for poster presentation)
Poster Presentation at ESA LPS 2016
Presentation of  the GlobBiomass project at the  CadasterENV Austria User workshop, 1-2 March, Vienna
WUR Preparation, Presentation and Reporting of Biomass session at GOFC-GOLD LC/GFOI R&D Conference (31.10.-4.11.16) in Den Haag: http://www.gofcgold.wur.nl/sites/gofcgold-gfoi_sciencemeeting2016.php
Inter-agency Expert Group on SDG Indicators, geospatial working group, Mexico, 12-14. 12.2016
Oral Presentations at ESA Living Planet Symposium 2016: “Towards a Global In Situ Forest Biomass Database and a Strategy for Validation of Global Biomass Maps”
GAMMA Oral Presentation of paper “Multi-scale Mapping of Forest Growing Stock Volume using ENVISAT ASAR, ALOS PALSAR, Landsat, and ICESAT GLAS ” at ESA’s Living Planet Symposium 2016, Prague, 9-12 May 2016
Current work on global biomass retrieval reported at the Kyoto and Carbon science meeting, Tokyo, 16-18, 02/2016
RSS Oral Presentation at GOFC-GOLD The Hague (31.10.2016): ”GlobBiomass: Kalimantan as regional case”
Oral Presentations at ESA Living Planet Symposium 2016: “El Niño 2015 – Damage Assessment: Estimation of Fire Affected Areas and Carbon Emissions in Kalimantan”


Uni Jena

Contributions to Meetings & Symposia 2015 (selection)
Presentation on GlobBiomass at GFOI-meeting in Brisbane, Australia and revival of GOFC-GOLD Biomass Working Group
Announcement of GlobBiomass Kick-off at Savanna Science Network Meeting in Kruger National Park, South Africa
Participaton at EuRuCAS Meeting at Nansen Center, St Petersburg, Russia
GlobBiomass Presentation at IABG Geodaten-Factory Dresden, Germany
Berger, C., Truckenbrodt, J., Engelhardt, S., Thiel, C., Enßle, F., Fassnacht, F., Schmullius, C. & Koch, B. (2015): Fusion of TanDEM-X and Radarsat-2 satellite data to support the assessment of aboveground biomass (AGB) in temperate forests. Oral presentation at the 36th ISRSE, Berlin, Germany, 11-15 May 2015
GlobBiomass presentation at the World Forestry Congress in Durban, South Africa, session “What is the future of forest monitoring?”
Radar Remote Sensing and Biomass lectures and tutorials held at SAR-EDU Summer Courses in Jena, Germany and Toluca de Ledo, Mexico;
GlobBiomass presentation and participation in the Land Cover and GFOI Sessions at the GEO Summit in Mexico City, and at user meeting of the Canadian Forest Service in Victoria, Canada.
Uni Leicester Balzter H., Rodriguez-Veiga P., Wheeler J., Tansey K.J., Stelmaszczuk-Gorska M., and Schmullius C. (2015). Ground, stems and foliage: Forest above-ground biomass mapping from combined Synthetic Aperture Radar and Multispectral Imagery. Presented at the 36th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, 11 – 15 May 2015, Berlin, Germany
GlobBiomass presentation at the UK Earth Observation Applications Conference hosted by NCEO, Defra, and UKSA by J. Presented by J. Remedios (Director of NCEO) on behalf of H. Balzter and P. Rodriguez-Veiga   in London, UK
Rodríguez-Veiga, P., Balzter, H., Schmullius, C., Tansey, K. (2015). ESA DUE GlobBiomass – Mapping Aboveground Biomass at Regional level using Multi‑Plattform Earth Observation Data. Poster presented at the National Centre for Earth Observation Researchers Forum, March 2015, Leicester, UK
Balzter, H. & Rodriguez-Veiga P. (2015): Presentation about GlobBiomass at the National Centre for Earth Observation – EO & Forestry meeting, 8 May 2015, Kings College London, UK
Balzter, H. & Nicolas-Perea, V. (2015): Discussion of forest biomass mapping in GlobBiomass at a reception with the Chilean Ambassador and the Council of Rectors of Chilean Universities, 28 April 2015, Chilean Ambassador’s Residence, London.
Balzter, H. (2015): Radar and Lidar remote sensing of forest structure, 27 February 2015, Presentation at Forest Research Edinburgh, UK
Rodríguez-Veiga, P., Balzter, H., Tansey, K. (2015). Uncertainty of Aboveground Biomass Carbon Stocks in Forest of Mexico. Oral presentation accepted at the RSPSoc, NCEO and CEOIST Joint Annual Conference 8-11 September 2015, Southampton (UK)
IGIK GlobBiomass presentation at the Bureau for Forest Management and Geodesy in Poland by A. Hoscilo, K. Sterenczak, D. Ziolkowski


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