The main purpose of the ESA DUE GlobBiomass project is to better characterise and to reduce uncertainties of AGB estimates by developing an innovative synergistic mapping approach in five regional sites for the epochs 2005, 2010 and 2015 and for one global map for the year 2010. The project team includes the leading Earth Observation experts of Europe and is linked through Partnership Agreements with further national bodies from Brazil, Canada, China, Russia and South Africa. Progress will be closely monitored by an Advisory Board and a User Group and further intergovernmental organisations included through Letters of Interest.
The project is funded by ESA under ESA Contract No. 4000113100/14/I-NB.
The goal of the GlobBiomass project is to demonstrate how EO observation data can be integrated with in situ measurements and ecological understanding to provide improved biomass estimates that can be effectively exploited by users.
The target users will mainly be drawn from the climate and carbon cycle modelling communities, but will include users concerned with carbon emissions and uptake due to biomass changes within initiatives such as REDD+. It will provide a harmonised structure that can be immediately exploited to address user needs for biomass information, but will be capable of being progressively refined as new data and methods become available.
The project develops an innovative synergistic mapping approach by combining SAR, LiDAR and optical datasets, further supported by auxiliary EO-derived products (land cover, land surface temperature etc.) and in situ information. Furthermore, the biomass estimation will rely as much as possible on physically-based methods and adapt to regional forest and environmental conditions. The objectives are focused on delivering information of high scientific, environmental, social and political value.
Expected Outcome, Impacts and Benefits for Users
The GlobBiomass products will serve three different user communities:
- SCIENCE – Carbon Cycle Sciences
- POLICY – National Forest Inventories and REDD+
- INDUSTRY – timer production and certification
Outcome on regional and global scale:
Regional |
Global |
The versatility and relevance of the listed application domains for the regional and one global map products illustrate the importance and timeliness of the GlobBiomass project.